Been over a month since I posted something here and I have a very familiar reasoning to the fact. I’ve been working, I have to work for eight hours, and then get stuck in traffic for another two hours maybe, reach home and within 30 minutes of reaching home, I sleep and it plays on a loop for next five days till I hit the weekend. And it’s just a one month internship. :P

So I am not writing this post to talk about how the corporate culture has sucked out the life out of individuals.  What I want to convey here is something that is maybe more important than working your arse’s off for a minimum seven hours daily. When we sit in a group of four to five people and start discussing about what kind of world we want to live in, what comes at the top most of the times? “WE DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO UNNECESSARILY JUDGE US” tadaaaaa

It took a lot of strength and grey matter actually to write this post because what I am about to talk here is something that is so sensitive and requires a strong reasoning to support the motion. I mean I don’t want to sound lame by just quoting anything that has no logic to it and I don’t want to fall in the category of people who have ANTI as their first name, like anti-social people, anti-smoking squad, and anti-drinking group, in short anti “having fun” person. For god’s sake I don’t want people to go straight on my face saying “ANOTHER ACTIVIST BITCH IN THE MAKING”. There’s a very thin line.

But, hold up, I’m a 22 year old, in the spring time of my life, in short, as youthful as a person of my age could be. But as we grow up, we start making our own choices. We know what kind of food we like, what kind of musical genre gets our hips moving, what sort of people we want to be around, what career we want to opt for, how we treat people around us, what kind of clothes we want to wear, what kind of world we want to live in. We start getting very mature about things. We all want to be so lavish in whatever we do. From head to toe to actually deciding the caption for the next Instagram post, we don’t want to lack in sounding so grand by any means which I think is very nice because I genuinely believe don’t consider yourself less than a king or a queen because life is short. But somewhere in this whole urbanity, knowingly or unknowingly we tend to behave in a certain way that totally opposes what we say and puts us in the category of hypocrites. It then sounds more like you say things just to fit in a certain class, but deep down you’re still a literate of no use. We know it’s so uncouth to judge people for their lifestyle, but still we do it. A few days back, I got told on my face indirectly, that I don’t have a life because I was that one person in the group of 10 people who wasn’t gulping down anything nor was I emitting fumes out of my mouth which basically puts you in the state of trance. WOW. How nice of you.

And this whole thing doesn’t make me hate that person. No, but instead I feel very indifferent about them and the people they are associated with. What do we look for in a best friend or a companion? The quality of them loving us for who we are. That is why not every second person is your best pal. The people who get to be with this so called “I don’t judge people” are being fooled by this facade. On the outside, it seems like a tiniest issue but in reality this is the reason why most relationships don’t sustain for long. Why can’t this human race understand that not every person is alike and why can’t we accept people for who they are. Don’t like something or someone, get over it. There no need to be so critical and passing remarks all the time. We get judged for listening to boy bands, for not losing our wits on weekends, for talking less, for speaking more, for being someone’s ally, for being someone’s enemy, for our dressing, for the kind of food we eat. Phew…………

If you are judgmental, then be your 100% at it. I won’t judge you for being judgmental, because as I said, not every person is alike. And it would only give me another reason to boast and write about the kinds of people I come across every day.
